Don’t Let Others Dim Your Light

My Dearest Friend, The light of dawn paints the sky as I write this, and it reminds me of the spark I see within you. A spark that may flicker unseen by many, but burns brightly nonetheless. I know the world can be a harsh place, full of boxes it tries to fit everyone into….

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The Rapture Isn’t What You Think it is

When we talk about the end of the world in Christianity, the “Rapture” is a term you might have heard a lot. It’s this idea that, before things really get bad on Earth, believers in Jesus will be suddenly taken up to heaven, leaving everyone else behind. But did you know this idea wasn’t always…

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The Mask of Control and The Freedom of Brokenness

My Beloved Child, In the quiet moments of your solitude, beyond the facade of confidence and the professionalism you wear as armor, I see the true depth of your heart’s struggle. The world has taught you to guard your heart, to clothe yourself in a semblance of strength, but I see beyond the masks you…

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The Gaze That Sees Beyond the Surface

In the quiet moments of life, even in the turmoil and the noise, there exists a gentle whisper, a look that transcends the ordinary. It’s a gaze not bound by the limitations of human sight, one that sees not just the external façade we present to the world but reaches deep into the essence of…

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Reclaim His Name

Have the people who call themselves Christians lost the plot and forgotten the teachings of Jesus Christ? This question pierces the heart of faith today, summoning us to a journey of authenticity and deep reflection. Today, the name of Jesus is often co-opted by those seeking personal gain or to endorse their political ideologies. But…

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Being Persecuted Isn’t What You Think It Is

In our everyday lives, we sometimes encounter situations where expressing our beliefs sets us apart or even puts us at odds with others around us. It’s a challenging experience that can make us wonder if we’re being persecuted for our faith. But it’s important to pause and really think about what persecution means, especially in…

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Jesus Says: Follow Me, Not A Politician

It is election year and in the swirl of today’s political fervor, it’s easy for our gaze to shift from the eternal to the temporal, from the sacred to the worldly. We find ourselves swept up in the currents of persuasive rhetoric and charismatic leadership, often placing our hope in human figures who promise change,…

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