It is election year and in the swirl of today’s political fervor, it’s easy for our gaze to shift from the eternal to the temporal, from the sacred to the worldly. We find ourselves swept up in the currents of persuasive rhetoric and charismatic leadership, often placing our hope in human figures who promise change, protection, and prosperity. Yet, even in this divisive tumult, a gentle but firm reminder echoes through the ages: “Follow me,” says Jesus.

In a world where political figures loom large, commanding attention and demanding allegiance, it’s vital to remember that our ultimate allegiance belongs not to a transient leader, but to the eternal Christ. As a reminder, Christ was not like the powerful people we tend to follow today. He was not wealthy, He was the simple son of a carpenter. He was not a member of the majority. He was a Jew, a marginalized group ruled by the Romans who made up the majority of the society. Jesus was oppressed.

Politicians, regardless of their charisma or conviction, are fallible and fleeting. They come and go with the tides of time, their promises often unfulfilled, their power limited.

Jesus, on the other hand, offers a leadership that transcends time and circumstance. His kingdom is not of this world, and His promises are sure and steadfast. In His Kingdom, it isn’t power or force that rules the day — He already has all the power and all the riches. In His Kingdom, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control rule the day.

It is in Christ we find a refuge that no political storm can shake, a peace that surpasses understanding, and a love that never fails. He knows us intimately, loves us unconditionally, understands our struggles, and offers forgiveness without limit.

Yet, why do we so often find ourselves drawn to the allure of political saviors? Political leaders who don’t know us, who don’t reflect the love of Christ, who can’t understand the life the average person lives, and who don’t have the power to forgive sin?

Perhaps it’s a reflection of our deep-seated longing for security and significance, a desire for someone to right the wrongs we see and to validate our values and beliefs. However, in placing our ultimate hope in human leaders, we set ourselves up for disappointment. Only Jesus can fulfill our deepest needs and lead us in the path of true righteousness and peace.

As followers of Christ, we are called to engage with the world around us, to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. This includes participating in the political process by advocating for the marginalized, and standing up for what is right. It is never fighting for our own rights, but for the rights of others. Jesus didn’t fight for Himself. He fought for others. He fought for the marginalized, the poor, and the oppressed.

Our political engagement must always be informed and tempered by our primary allegiance to Christ. The values we seek in society should mirror the values of the upside down Kingdom of God where the meek inherit the earth and the poor in spirit are the children of the King. We are citizens of heaven first, and our earthly political affiliations should always be secondary to our identity in Christ.

In these turbulent times, let us really focus in on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He alone is our true leader, our Savior, and our King. As we navigate the complexities of the political landscape, may we do so with wisdom, humility, and a steadfast commitment to following Jesus above all else.

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