It was the second most extraordinary moment in all of time. The first, of course, was when God breathed life into the world, crafting the very essence of existence. But this moment was different. This was the moment when the Creator, after what felt like an eternity of separation, reconnected with creation in a way that defied all expectations.

God had known all along what it would take to restore this broken connection. God knew the pain, the sacrifice, the deep anguish that would be endured. Yet, in the face of that impending suffering, the overwhelming desire to be reunited with beloved creation made the sacrifice all the more willing. This was an opportunity to do the impossible—to bridge the chasm between the divine and the fallen. And make no mistake, every second was cherished.

For a brief, wondrous moment, Heaven touched earth. All the goodness, all the love, all the hope that Heaven held was poured out upon those it was meant for. The Maker, who had waited so patiently, now had the chance to walk among the people, to speak words of comfort, to share in their joys and sorrows, and to demonstrate unending love. For so long, the source of all things had yearned to be close, to whisper words of comfort in their ears, to assure them that the divine presence was there, that they were cared for, and that love for them was beyond measure. This was the moment to show them just how much they meant.

Picture Jesus as a young child, with a carefree smile, playing in the streets with his friends. He was fully immersed in the innocence of childhood—a glimpse of the pure joy God had longed to experience alongside creation. For years, the father had only watched from afar, but now, Jesus was part of it. Children, so untainted by the world, had always held a special place in the divine heart, and now Jesus could finally be close to them, to feel what they felt, to laugh and to play as they did.

Imagine Jesus as a growing adolescent, telling stories and jokes that lit up the faces of those around him. Perhaps he knew then, perhaps he didn’t, but his joy in connecting with others was not just in the humor itself, but in the deep bond it created—a bond he had observed from Heaven but now relished firsthand. Jesus would later use this same connection, not just to bring laughter, but to bring hope.

See Jesus at the temple, a young man now, engaging with the scholars, asking questions that stirred their hearts and minds. He knew exactly who he was and what he was destined to do. These were not questions for his own understanding, but to awaken theirs. He reveled in those moments, seeing the light of understanding flicker in their eyes, a glimpse of the connection God had longed for since the beginning of time.

For the first time since Eden, the creator was among the creation, truly among them, through Jesus. How his heart must have swelled with love as he wiped away tears, healed the sick, and touched the untouchable. There was nothing more desired than to be close to them, to reassure the struggling, to give hope to the hopeless, and to be the presence they could rely on. This was no distant love; it was a love so close, so tangible, that it could be felt, seen, and touched.

And it wasn’t just the grand moments that Jesus cherished. It was the simple, everyday interactions—the conversations, the shared meals, the quiet moments of connection. These were the moments when Heaven came down to earth in the most amazing way, when light of the universe could look into human eyes through Jesus and see trust, and Jesus could return that trust with his own. No longer did people have to trust blindly; they could see him, touch him, and feel the love that radiated from his very being.

What Jesus enjoyed most was the opportunity to love, in person, in a way that left no doubt about the depth of divine care. His love quenched the thirsty soul, fed the spiritually hungry, and brought light to those lost in darkness. He was there for the sinners, the outcasts, the weary, and the fearful. He was a beacon of hope and a refuge in the storm, showing them a love so pure, so unconditional, that they knew it could only come from the heart of God.

When all was said and done, when the nails had been driven home and the world had seen his sacrifice, there was no doubt left. He was God—God who had walked among us, taught us, loved us, and showed us the way. He led us down the path of righteousness, but most importantly, he loved us. He is the embodiment of true love—the love that never fails, never falters, and never gives up.

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