My Beloved Children,

I see your zeal and your passion. I hear your voices lifted in support of what you believe to be right and good. I know your hearts long to see the world changed, to bring order where there is chaos, and to stand for what you think matters most. But I must ask you—are your eyes still fixed on Me?

Do not confuse your loyalty to earthly powers with devotion to Me. My kingdom is not of this world. I did not call you to defend a nation, a leader, or an ideology. I called you to love Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength—and to love your neighbor as yourself.

When you lift your voice, ask yourself: is it truly for Me? When you take a stand, is it on the foundation of My teachings or on the shifting sands of human ambition? Many are quick to invoke My name for their purposes, but I do not bend to the agendas of this world.

I did not come to secure power or align with the rulers of the day. My purpose was to restore what was lost, to draw hearts to the truth, and to bring redemption where it was needed most.

I came to offer hope that goes beyond anything this world can provide. My way has always been one of humility, sacrifice, and love—a love that gave everything and asked for nothing in return. I walked with the poor, the outcast, and the forgotten. I shared meals with those despised by society, offering them dignity and grace when others rejected them. I lifted up the weary, healed the broken, and stood against oppression wherever it harmed My children, and all are my children.

Understand this: My goals do not align with the ambitions of this world. The goals of the world are clear: power, wealth, influence, conformity, and personal comfort. These pursuits often come at the expense of others, leaving behind a wake of division, oppression, and brokenness. In contrast, My purpose has never been about such ambitions. I did not seek dominance, control, or personal gain. My way is rooted in compassion that uplifts the vulnerable, justice that seeks to make whole rather than to dominate, and in a love that serves rather than demands. Anything that aligns with the ambitions of the world will ultimately fail, for it is not built on the foundation of my Kingdom.

Hear me now and make no mistake, the foundation of my Kingdom is love. Pure unadulterated love. Whatever is without love is without me. Whoever acts without love, acts without me. Whoever speaks without love does not speak for me. I am not speaking of tough love either. I am talking about true, unblemished, grace-filled, forgiving love. My Kingdom is built on love. It is not built on power, money, or influence.

My way focuses not on assigning blame or acquiring power but on mending what is fractured, restoring dignity, and lifting up those who are burdened. It stands apart from the fleeting triumphs people chase, offering instead the peace and eternal hope that only I can provide.

I see your longing to make things right, but the change I seek comes not through power or force but through lives that reflect My care for the hurting and the lost. The world will not be restored by force but through those who live out My love in acts of service, humility, and kindness.

True change happens when you embody the hope I have given you—when your life is a reflection of the grace and mercy I taught. True change happens when you listen to my Truth and not the lies of powerful people. And here’s a hint, if it doesn’t challenge you, if it seems like “common sense” or “tradition” — it isn’t my Truth. No one who hears my Truth agrees with all of it. My ways are not your ways, I’ve told you that time and time again. But you refuse to listen.

So I say to you: lay down the need for easy answers, quick solutions, and the compulsion to always be right. Release the desire to control outcomes or harm others, even if you feel they have harmed you. True strength is not found in power or self-assurance but in empathy and compassion— in the willingness to listen, to understand, and to care deeply for others. I have already redeemed what truly matters, and your calling is to reflect My love in all you do. Trust in Me to guide you and to bring healing where it is needed most.

You are not called to change the world through the ways the world teaches. You are called to follow Me. Live in a way that lifts up the lowly, comforts the brokenhearted, and welcomes the stranger. When you walk in step with Me, your life will shine as a beacon of hope in a way no argument or power ever could.

I know you. I love you. I see your struggles, and I walk beside you in them. Trust in My love, My purpose, and My redemption. This is where you will find the peace and freedom your heart longs for. Repent of the ways that have held you captive and realize that the freedom you love — true freedom — is found in me alone.

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