Read This When You Are Overcome With Anxiety

Beloved, In the quiet recesses of your heart, I hear the echoes of your struggles, the silent screams that ripple through your nights and days, marked by an unseen burden. I understand the weight of the invisible chains that seem to bind you, the relentless tide of worry that threatens to erode the very essence…

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More to This Life? The Truth is Out There

My Dear Child, I understand the journey of your heart and the questions that stir within you. It is a path tread by many, each step marked by wonder, doubt, and a yearning for something beyond the visible. You stand at the crossroads of belief and disbelief, longing for assurance of an afterlife, yet tethered…

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A Letter for the Skeptical Heart

Dearest Seeker, I sense a dissonance within you, a brilliant mind wrestling with the mysteries of faith. It’s a common struggle, and one worthy of exploration. Logic, a powerful tool, can sometimes feel like a cage when it comes to matters of the heart and spirit. Remember the story of the stargazers, their gaze fixed…

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Healing the Wounds of Conditional Love

My Dear Child, In the quiet spaces of your heart, where the echoes of past wounds linger and the shadow of feeling overlooked by those you longed to be cherished by most deeply nestles, I reach toward you. Not with a mere whisper of reassurance, but with a profound, encompassing embrace that seeks to touch…

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From Fury to Freedom: Jesus Understands Your Anger

My Dear Child, I understand the fire of anger that burns within you. It can feel consuming, a flame that seems uncontrollable, fueled by hurt, injustice, or perhaps misunderstandings. I see the struggle in your heart, the battle between expressing your pain and the desire for peace that seems just out of reach. Remember, my…

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Read This When You’re Feeling Judged

My Beloved Child, In the quiet moments of your heart, I see the struggles that weigh heavily upon you. The world may cast shadows of judgment and distrust upon your path, often for reasons beyond your control. I understand the pain and isolation that such unwarranted judgments can inflict, and I reach out to you…

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No Excuses, You Have To Love Your Neighbor

My Beloved Child, I reach out to you with a heart full of love, knowing the journeys we embark upon in this life can often lead us down paths shaped by misunderstanding and fear. It is my desire today to share with you a message of unity, love, and the boundless grace that enfolds each…

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Love the Lord Your God by Using Your Mind

My Dearest Seeker of Truth, In the quietude of your innermost thoughts, I am keenly aware of the intellectual fervor and voracious curiosity you’ve set aside in an effort to conform to the narrow confines of a world that often values compliance over questioning. The brilliance of your mind, a gift designed to explore the…

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