My Dear Child,

I see the heaviness in your heart, the way regret has woven itself into your thoughts and settled in your soul. I know how often you replay the past, wondering what might have been if only things had gone differently. You carry these memories like stones, weighed down by decisions you wish you could change.

But I need you to hear something important today: you are more than the sum of your past choices. Your worth is not measured by the mistakes you’ve made or the moments you’ve missed. I see you as you are now—fully, completely, and without judgment. I see beyond your regrets to the beautiful, resilient soul that you are.

I want you to know that nothing you’ve done or failed to do can separate you from My love. I’ve been with you through every moment, even the ones you wish you could erase. I’ve seen your tears, heard your cries, and felt your longing for a different story. And still, I am here, offering you a new chapter, a fresh start.

Regret has a way of holding you captive, convincing you that you’re trapped in a life that can never be undone. But with Me, you are never stuck. I am the One who makes all things new, who can turn even the most painful experiences into something meaningful. Your past does not define you—it is simply a part of the journey that has brought you to this very moment.

I know it’s hard to let go. It’s hard to forgive yourself and move forward when the weight of what could have been feels so heavy. But I want you to trust Me. Trust that I am working in your life, even in ways you cannot see. Trust that there is more ahead of you than behind you, that your future is not limited by your past.

Take a moment now to breathe deeply, to feel My presence with you. I am here, offering you peace in place of turmoil, hope in place of despair, and love that knows no bounds. Let go of the regret that holds you back, and open your heart to the possibilities that still lie before you.

You are not alone in this. I am walking with you, guiding you, and offering you the strength you need to move forward. Your story is not over, and there is so much more I have in store for you. All I ask is that you take My hand, trust in My love, and allow Me to lead you into the future I have prepared for you.

Remember, My beloved, that you are deeply loved, and nothing can change that. Not your past, not your mistakes, not even your regrets. You are mine, and I cherish you just as you are.

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