
What are you trying to show me in this trial?

Are you showing me anything? Is your intent to teach me? Is there something I am supposed to learn from this? Or is my time of tribulation part of a broader story that you are telling?

Is this about me? Or is it about you?

What am I to do? Is what you have planned going to be a source of great hope — or am I being too hopeful? Do I need to be more realistic — pragmatic — more cynical? How am I to respond? 

This burden has crushed me more times than I can count — and yet, every time I think I have shed it — it returns even heavier and with greater consequence. In the past, I have held on to hope — trying to find reason to believe the worst wouldn’t come — only to be knocked down again and again.

Should I resign myself to an inevitable hardship? Or is this the time you are going to defy reason and do something miraculous?

If I hope and still meet loss, was my hope foolishness? And if I embrace the inevitable based on past experience and instead see a miracle, were my feelings unjustified?

How much of the same hardship can one person take? Why do you constantly deal this hand — the one few understand, the hopeless hand — why is this the one you choose regardless of changing variables and circumstances?

And what of the works of your hand? Your hand was creating a masterpiece, taking and giving and seemingly making possible that which was impossible only a short time ago. Why after all of that — why after showing the great works of your hand — would you remove your hand?

Still, even in loss, I remain grateful for the works of your hand, for the miracles I have seen and the blessings you have given. This journey has been an endless cycle of victory and loss. And while I am thankful of the victories, I cannot help but wonder why each victory must be built on the pain of ten losses.

In times of trouble, the questions swirl like a hurricane — and believe me, I have more questions. But exhaustion beckons me now. All I can ask for now is rest and peace.

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