My Beloved Child,

I see you. I see the weight that you carry, the worries that you try to hide, and the silent tears that fall when no one is watching. I know that right now, everything feels overwhelming, like the walls are closing in, and the path ahead is covered in darkness. I know because I’ve walked a path like this too.

Remember that night in the garden, the Garden of Gethsemane? It was a place of anguish for me, a place where the weight of the world pressed so heavily on my shoulders that I sweat drops of blood. I understand stress. I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed by what lies ahead, of not knowing how to keep moving forward.

But even in that moment, I wasn’t alone. My Father was with me, just as I am with you now. The darkness you feel surrounding you isn’t greater than the light within you, the light that I have placed there. It’s easy to believe that you’re alone in this, that no one can understand the depth of what you’re going through. But I do. I’ve felt it, and I am right here with you now.

You might not see the way out right now, and that’s okay. You don’t need to have all the answers; you just need to trust in the One who does. Take each day, each moment, as it comes. Lean into me when the world feels too heavy. I am your refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.

Remember my promise to you: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” I didn’t say you have to carry it all on your own. Let me carry it with you. I won’t abandon you; I won’t leave you to struggle through this alone. I am here, holding your hand, guiding you, even when you don’t feel it.

I know it’s hard to trust when everything feels so uncertain, but this is the time to trust even more. You are precious to me, more than you can ever imagine. I walked this earth and faced all its pains and trials so that you would never have to face yours alone. I’ve been where you are, and I’ve conquered what you’re facing. And because of that, you will overcome too.

Take a deep breath, my beloved. You are not defined by your struggles or your stress. You are defined by my love for you, a love that is unending, unfailing, and forever yours. Hold on to that truth when everything else feels shaky.

You are strong, not because of what you can do, but because of who is with you—Me. And together, we will get through this.

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