Lord, you’ve searched me through and through; you know every part of who I am. You see when I sit down to rest and when I rise up to take on the day. You’re familiar with all my ways— whether I’m out in the world or lying down to sleep. You know my routines, my quirks, and even the thoughts I’ve barely formed. Every word I speak, you already know completely.

You go before me, and you’re right behind me. Your hand rests on me, guiding and protecting. Such knowledge is beyond me—it’s high, it’s holy, and I can’t fully grasp it.

Where could I go to escape your Spirit? Where could I ever hide from your presence? If I climb up to the skies, you’re there. If I sink into the depths, you’re there too. If I could fly on the wings of the morning or settle on the farthest edge of the ocean, even there, your hand would guide me, and your strong right hand would hold me tight.

If I say, “The darkness will surely hide me; even the light around me will turn to night,” it doesn’t matter. The darkness isn’t dark to you. To you, night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are all the same to you.

You crafted the essence of who I am; you shaped my character and breathed life into my soul. I praise you because I am intricately and wonderfully made. Every aspect of my being, the unique qualities that define me, are a reflection of your creativity. I know this deep within me—your works are truly marvelous. Nothing about me was hidden from you as I was being formed in the quiet mystery of your presence. Even before I took my first breath, you knew who I would be. You saw the person I would become, and every one of my days was lovingly written in your book before any of them began.

How precious are your thoughts about me, God! They can’t be numbered. If I tried to count them, they would outnumber all the grains of sand. And when I wake up, I find you are still with me, loving me.

Search me, God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. Show me anything in me that might lead me astray, and guide me in the way that lasts forever.

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JesusQuest Cries of The Heart