My Dear Child,

I see the weight you carry. I know how difficult it is to face change, to let go of what was and step into what is uncertain. I want you to know that I am with you in every moment of this journey. There is no step you take where I am not right beside you, guiding you, holding you up.

Change is not a sign that you are lost or failing. It’s part of the path to becoming who you were always meant to be. I understand the fear that comes with the unknown. When I walked among you, I experienced that same fear, and I know what it feels like to face a future that is not yet clear. But in the midst of that uncertainty, I found peace by trusting in the greater plan, the one that brings everything together in time.

Right now, I want to encourage you to trust in the process. You may not see it yet, but growth is happening. Sometimes the hardest changes are the ones that prepare us for the greatest blessings. You are being shaped, strengthened, and refined, even when it feels like everything is shifting.

When the road ahead feels overwhelming, lean on Me. You don’t need to have all the answers right now. You don’t need to have it all figured out. I am here to help carry your burdens, to be your strength when you feel weak. You were never meant to do this alone.

There is so much more to your story, so much more waiting for you. Trust that you are being guided toward something beautiful, something that will make sense when you look back and see how far you’ve come. For now, just take it one step at a time. I am with you in every step, every breath, and every tear.

Hold onto hope, dear one. Change can feel like a storm, but even storms pass, and on the other side, there is peace. Trust in the love that surrounds you, the love that never fails you. I see you, I understand you, and I will never leave your side.

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