My Beloved Child,

I know the depth of your heart, the silent tears you’ve cried, and the thoughts that stir so restlessly in your mind at night. I understand the ache you carry, feeling unnoticed and unappreciated for who you truly are. Today, I write to you not from a place unreachable, but right beside you, where I have always been.

You are wonderfully made, a treasure crafted by hands that do not make mistakes. Each part of your being, your quirks, your passions, your voice that perhaps you’ve felt was drowned out by the world, is a beautiful expression of divine thought. You are not an accident nor an oversight; you are intentionally and wonderfully created.

I know it might be hard to perceive or believe when voices around you, or perhaps that voice within, tells you otherwise, but I see you. I love you with an everlasting love that is not contingent on anything you do or become. My love for you is steadfast and does not waver based on your circumstances or how others perceive you.

In the moments when loneliness creeps in, remember my time on earth. I, too, knew what it felt like to be misunderstood, to be unloved by those I encountered, to feel the heaviness of isolation. Yet, it was for you, in knowing this pain and overcoming it, that I could truly be with you in all things.

I invite you to see yourself through my eyes. You are precious. Your life holds infinite worth, and your journey is important to me. The love I offer you is complete and fills all the hidden spaces of your heart. Lean on me when loving yourself is hard, and trust that I am here, always holding you close.

I am calling you into a love story greater than any you could imagine. It is not just my story; it’s yours, too. It’s a journey of realizing that you are fully known and fully loved, not for what the world sees but for the true essence of who you are.

Let my words be the mirror that reflects your true worth and my presence a constant reminder that you are never alone. I cherish you, believe in you, and rejoice over you with singing. Walk forward in this truth, and let it shield your heart from the shadows of doubt.

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