Dear Beloved Soul,

I see the pain in your heart, the way your spirit has been wounded by the experiences you’ve had within certain religious circles. It grieves me deeply to know that these encounters have made it difficult for you to see my true nature and the boundless love I have for you. So, let me speak directly to you, from my heart to yours.

I want you to know that I am not defined by the harmful views or the actions of those who may have used my name to justify inequality. The love I offer transcends all human-made boundaries, prejudices, and constructs. When I walked among you, I did not come to enforce societal norms that diminish or oppress. Instead, I came to break chains, to heal wounds, and to uplift those who were downtrodden.

Consider those who were close to me during my time on earth—the women and men whom society had often overlooked or cast aside. I did not see them as lesser; I saw them as whole, valuable, and deeply loved. Think of Mary Magdalene, the first to witness my resurrection, or the Samaritan woman at the well, to whom I revealed my true identity. I did not shy away from their pain or their stories. I met them where they were, just as I meet you now.

In my eyes, there is no hierarchy of value among people. I see your worth, your potential, and your inner beauty just as you are. You are not defined by the constraints of roles or expectations that others may have tried to impose upon you. You are defined by the love I have for you—a love that is pure, powerful, and liberating.

It breaks my heart that my message has sometimes been twisted by those who seek to control rather than to set free, to dominate rather than to serve. But know this: my kingdom is not about power over others; it is about love, humility, and service. In my kingdom, the last shall be first, and the meek shall inherit the earth. This is the truth of my message, a message that embraces all people equally, regardless of gender, race, or status.

I invite you to look beyond the flawed human institutions and see me as I truly am. I am your advocate, your protector, your friend. I stand against the injustices you have faced and will continue to stand with you as you seek justice, equity, and peace.

You are my beloved, and nothing—no prejudice, no misrepresentation—can change that. Let my love be the lens through which you see yourself and others. It is a love that knows no bounds and values you just as you are.

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